Veeva China Commercial & Medical Summit

With the COVID-19 pandemic continues to go back and forth, geopolitical changes, continuous optimization of data security policies, and the eighth VBP is on the line, sustainable development is becoming more and more important…Under the superposition of multiple uncertainties, pharmaceutical companies are pushing themselves to accelerate the pace of digital transformation. Whether driven by external compliance policy or internal cost reduction and efficiency improvement, digital transformation is the inevitable destination of pharmaceutical commercialization for pharmaceutical enterprises. However, while digital transformation helps pharmaceutical companies accelerate commercialization and solve business challenges, it also brings some new challenges…Charles Darwin once said that in the long history of nature, It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Furthermore, facing the innovation and transformation of the internal and external environment of the market, how can pharmaceutical companies embrace changes in the digital transformation experience, find certainty from uncertainty, seize opportunities and shape the future?


“Embrace the change, shape the future ” —2022 Veeva China Commercial & Medical Summit will be held on 18th Oct. Looking forward to seeing you face to face as we come together to learn, share, and connect.

“拥抱变化,智胜V来 ”——2022 Veeva中国商务及医学峰会即将开幕。我们诚邀广大医药界人士共聚一堂,探讨医药数字化转型中的变与不变,以及共商应对变化的“智胜”之道。

1 Learn: 12+ more sessions from 15+ guest speakers学习:现场将有15+位嘉宾带来12+段精彩分享
2 Experience: Get an exclusive look at product roadmaps and hear how first-hand digital transformation stories driving real results体验:独家了解产品路线图,亲身聆听推动真实交付成果的数字化转型故事
3 Connect: Have impromptu conversations, ask experts your top-of-mind questions, and network at our fun opening and Tea-breaks连接: 进行敞开谈话,向专家提出你关心的问题,并在我们有趣的开幕和茶歇期间建立联系
