Stimulating results

TENT-A1 Results Paper

Neuromod has published the results of the Company’s TENT A1 (Treatment Evaluation of Neuromodulation for Tinnitus) clinical trial in Science Translational Medicine in a paper titled: ‘Bimodal neuromodulation combining sound and tongue stimulation reduces tinnitus symptoms in a large randomized clinical study’.

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The study represents the largest and longest followed-up clinical trial ever conducted in the tinnitus field with 326 enrolled participants, providing evidence regarding the safety, efficacy and patient tolerability of bimodal neuromodulation for the treatment of tinnitus. 86.2% of treatment compliant participants reported an improvement in tinnitus symptom severity when evaluated after 12 weeks of treatment, with many experiencing sustained benefit 12 months post-treatment.

TENT-A1 Key Findings

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TENT-A1 Results Paper

Science Translational Medicine

TENT-A1 clinical trial concludes that bimodal neuromodulation combining sound and electrical stimulation of the tongue can significantly reduce tinnitus symptoms, and therapeutic effects can be sustained for up to 12 months post-treatment.

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The clinical trial was conducted between 2016 and 2019 and was designed to track changes in tinnitus symptom severity. The trial investigated the bimodal neuromodulation approach, using Neuromod’s non-invasive stimulation device that delivers sound to the ears and electrical stimulation to the tongue.