
Speech Therapy for Autism

Speech Therapy for Autism in Vancouver

What is autism?

A team that loves to create

Autism is a condition in which a person face challenges with social skills, communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, repetitive behavior, etc. and this condition called autism spectral disorder (ASD). Autism can be a minor problem, or it may cause disability that needs full care and speech therapy in Vancouver.

People with autism face trouble with communication and could not understand what other people think and feel. They cannot describe their feeling, not only verbally neither through facial expressions (non-verbally). Autism people have problems with learning and memorizing things. Autism people are good at art, music, math, and memory; that’s why they perform well on tests or math problem-solving.

The ratio of autism children increased than ever before. Autism often influenced by sensory sensitiveness and medical issues, seizures or sleep disorders, mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, and attention problem, etc.

Autism children lack eye contact with people, repeating the word back and forth, sensitive to sound and touch; they do not look or listen to people when other person points at them. Autism signs usually appear by age 3-4 because the children can communicate with others. Studies show that early diagnose of people having autism and treatment shows positive outcomes later in life.

How does autism affect speech?

Keep it simple

Autism people have both speech and non-verbal communication problems. A person is not able to talk, seems to have difficulty in decoding what sounds mean and in matching them to words or thoughts because they have problems with words and ideas themselves.

They have little understanding of words or symbols and lack of creative language. They do not imitate whole sentences without understanding the meaning of the things they are saying. Autism people have more interest in environmental sounds like the whirring of a fan, falling water sound, high air sound than the sound of people talking.

How can speech therapy help autistic kids?

In severe cases, autistic kids may never learn communication skills and cannot make eye contact, but if you diagnose early, and then the person can live a healthy life. Autistic children are not crying, wailing, or failing to get at us somehow. They only cry because they want to release tension and emotion.

Speech therapy in kids can improve overall communication, making it possible for people to enhance their relationships and function in everyday life. If you are concerned about your children’s speech and language development, then speech therapy is best. It would be best if you were worried about speech therapy, an infant child who is not responding to a sound or not vocalizing to nine months of age—autistic kids who learn verbal communication typically developed children later on.

Autism usually identified before age 3, and language can be recognized as early as 18 months. Autism can have identified as early 10 to 12 months of age. Start speech therapy as soon as possible when it can have the most significant impact. The first treatment can help lessen the disability that may result in this social communication disability. The earlier is better so that children can communicate well and behave like healthy children. Stay healthy, stay happy.

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BC, V6Z 1C1.

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