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You Can Nominate A COVID Community Hero In Ontario To Win A Night Out At TIFF

Winners will snag the best seats in the house at the RBC Lakeside Drive-In.
Sponsored Content Contributing Writer, Studio

While the pandemic has been difficult for all of us, we all know someone who has gone above and beyond for their community. Our frontline workers have been working nonstop and putting themselves at risk — all so that our communities can continue to function during these unprecedented times. Other COVID community heroes are delivering groceries to seniors, sewing masks, and helping others — in ways both big and small. They all deserve our thanks and recognition, as well as the chance to experience something special before the summer ends!

Our COVID community heroes have been there for us, and now with the help of RBC, you can thank them in a super unique and meaningful way. RBC, the official bank of TIFF, is giving COVID community heroes a magical movie-screening experience during the 2020 Festival.

To acknowledge and honour the many COVID-19 heroes who have gone above-and-beyond for their communities during these challenging times, RBC is running a special contest: the Best Seats in the House contest at the RBC Lakeside Drive-In at Ontario Place.  

And who gets in is partially up to you!

[rebelmouse-image 25993554 photo_credit="Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels" expand=1 original_size="7680x5120"] Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

For a limited time, you can nominate a COVID-19 community hero for a chance to win a special night out at TIFF 2020. 

All you need to do is let us know what makes the community hero you're nominating special, and how they've given back during these times. 

Spotlight your community hero and share their story, and these incredibly well-deserving nominees could win tickets to the RBC Lakeside Drive-in at Ontario Place during the final weekend of TIFF (on either September 16, September 18 or September 19).

RBC wants to make sure that these individuals are treated to the perfect viewing experience, so they'll also benefit from the literal "best seats in the house." Contest winners will be awarded a parking spot at the drive-in for themselves and three guests, right up front with an enhanced vantage point.

Winners will be treated to one of the following drive-in screenings:

  • Wednesday, September 16 (Shiva Baby - 9 p.m.)

  • Friday, September 18 (Full Metal Jacket - 8:45 p.m.)

  • Saturday, September 19 (A Suitable Boy - 8:30 p.m.)

The RBC Lakeside Drive-in at Ontario Place is one of only two drive-in theatre venues at the Toronto International Film Festival this year. It will offer a unique opportunity for attendees to watch films that represent a full range of star-driven movies, first-rate international cinema, documentaries, and Canadian creativity.

As a proud supporter of the arts and film, and a long-standing sponsor of TIFF, RBC is honoured to offer this special contest and to recognize the incredible community heroes and frontline workers who have given so much throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

[rebelmouse-image 25993555 photo_credit="shaunl | iStock" expand=1 original_size="5000x3293"] shaunl | iStock

Don't forget to nominate a COVID-19 community hero and reward someone that you think deserves a once-in-a-lifetime night out at TIFF! Plus, each winner can bring three guests and you might just be one of the lucky ones!

For more information about RBC’s long-standing support for TIFF, visit the RBC website and check them out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
