Smart Consumption

A photo of a bottle of Labatt Blue Light

Smart Consumption

At FIFCO USA, we certainly understand how refreshing and delicious an ice-cold beer tastes on a hot summer day…or after a hard day’s work…or when you’re out enjoying good friends and great food. And, of course, we’re thrilled when our products are part of any celebration or social gathering. It has been scientifically proven that responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages by healthy adults can be socially acceptable. However, irresponsible use of alcohol can have harmful effects, not only on your physical and mental health, but also on others.

That’s why we are committed to smart consumption of the products we make and sell, and to educating consumers to be smart about drinking habits so as to encourage healthy and balanced lifestyles.

Our commitment includes:

  • Showing respect toward those adults who choose not to consume our products.
  • Encouraging those who consume our products to do so responsibly at all times
  • Respecting zero alcohol consumption among vulnerable or sensitive populations, for whom consuming alcohol is NEVER appropriate

We encourage you to view the individual modules below to learn more about smart consumption:


Consumption Patterns

Alcohol Consumption

Sensitive Populations

FIFCO USA is a Triple Bottom Line company committed to impacting our community and environment. In partnership with our stakeholders, we look for opportunities to create sustainable impact in the areas where we operate. We focus on promoting smart consumption; building strong communities; improving waterways, trails and parks, and workforce development.

We partner with grassroots, charitable organizations that create sustainable impact. If you have a program or project that you would like to tell us about, please submit our online application.

Alcohol Consumption

According to surveys conducted in 2015 by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, over 85 percent of Americans ages 18 or older reported that they have consumed alcohol in their lifetime; 70 percent reported they drank in the past year and 56 percent in the past month.

Over 25 percent of people ages 18 or older engaged in binge drinking in the past month. Binge drinking is defined as a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL, which typically occurs after four drinks for women and five drinks for men in a two-hour period. Seven percent reporting they engaged in heavy alcohol use – binge drinking on five or more days – in the past month

Roughly 15 million American adults (18+) and an estimated 623,000 adolescents (ages 12-17) have Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational or health consequences.

Alcohol abuse costs the United States billions of dollars each year, with approximately three quarters of that money relating to binge drinking.

We at FIFCO USA urge you to practice smart consumption. View the Moderation module for tips on how to drink responsibly.

A photo of cleaned glass bottles ready for filling
Photo of 'Rock the Falls' temporary tattoos

Consumption Patterns

Moderation, by definition, means “the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior.” But when it comes to consuming alcohol, moderation can mean different things to different people. Drinking, like eating or any social activity, has guidelines to help you get more enjoyment and benefits out of the activity.

When consumed more heavily, alcohol can have negative effects on your body, your health, your mood and, if you’re pregnant, your unborn child.

It’s not so much about what you drink as how you drink. For example, drinking a six pack on a Saturday night and then not drinking at all the other six days is not equal to having one drink per day. The health and wellbeing implications are much more serious when alcohol is over-consumed.

Here are some tips to help you consume alcohol responsibly:

  • Sip your drink slowly; don’t gulp it down
  • Eat food as you drink
  • Know your limit
  • Consume a drink only when you really want one
  • Don’t drink and drive
  • Beware of consuming alcohol if you take certain medications
  • Don’t pressure those who do not want to drink; don’t let yourself be pressured


Moderation, by definition, means “the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior.” But when it comes to consuming alcohol, moderation can mean different things to different people. Drinking, like eating or any social activity, has guidelines to help you get more enjoyment and benefits out of the activity.

When consumed more heavily, alcohol can have negative effects on your body, your health, your mood and, if you’re pregnant, your unborn child.

It’s not so much about what you drink as how you drink. For example, drinking a six pack on a Saturday night and then not drinking at all the other six days is not equal to having one drink per day. The health and wellbeing implications are much more serious when alcohol is over-consumed.

Here are some tips to help you consume alcohol responsibly:

  • Sip your drink slowly; don’t gulp it down
  • Eat food as you drink
  • Know your limits
  • Consume a drink only when you really want one
  • Don’t drink and drive
  • Beware of consuming alcohol if you take certain medications
  • Don’t pressure those who do not want to drink; don’t let yourself be pressured
Photo of Seagram's Escapes on the Bottling Line
Photo yeast propagation vessels

Sensitive Populations

Most people can enjoy drinking alcohol in moderation. But alcohol affects people differently. For example, men typically can tolerate more alcohol than women. Your weight and general health can be factors in the amount of alcohol you can tolerate. Family history should also be taken into account.

That’s why it’s important to practice smart consumption and to know your limits. But there are certain groups of people, known as sensitive populations, who shouldn’t consume alcohol under any circumstances. This, of course, includes those under the legal drinking age of 21.

Minors and Alcohol

At North American Breweries, we take our responsibility as an alcoholic beverage-producing company very seriously. And while we promote consumption in moderation by adults, we also try to prevent consumption of alcohol by minors, or those under the legal drinking age of 21.

There are many good reasons why minors should not consume alcohol. In addition to being illegal, adolescents can’t handle alcohol like adults can. They typically weigh less and have less water in their bodies to dilute alcohol and they have fewer enzymes that help the liver eliminate alcohol.

An adolescent’s brain is more vulnerable to damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Recent studies show that the brain is not completely developed until 20 years of age. Thus, adolescents are at higher risk when they drink, since alcohol inhibits the development of certain brain parts.

As a parent, you can play a key role in educating your children about alcohol and talking to them about the many problems associated with excessive consumption so they have correct information. Please make this discussion a key part of your general health and safety conversations with your children.

Other Sensitive Populations

In addition to minors, there are additional sensitive populations who should avoid alcohol completely because, for them, there is no known amount that is safe to consume. This includes:

  • Women who are, may be or are trying to become pregnant
  • People driving a vehicle or operating machinery
  • People with certain medical conditions that might worsen with alcohol consumption
  • People taking prescription or over-the-counter medications that might cause a reaction with alcohol consumption