Breast Screening & Incidental Breast Lesions


3.5 million

American women living with breast cancer


of all new cancer cases each year

Breast Cancer Screening

BI-RADSDefinition and Follow-up
0Incomplete exam
1Negative, routine screening
2Benign, routine screening
3Probably benign, short interval (6-month) follow-up mammogram
4 (A,B,C)Suspicious, tissue sampling if radiologist advises
5Highly suggestive of malignancy, tissue sampling
6Known, biopsy proven malignancy, surgical excision when clinically appropriate

Incidental Breast Identification

EPM Breast was designed for a total breast program:

  • Does not disrupt radiology workflow or require change in radiologist interpretation or documentation
  • Extracts finding size, number of findings, laterality of findings, and location of largest abnormality
  • Automates tracking for all patients and all BI-RADS in one dashboard
  • Listens for pertinent follow-up exams, including unscheduled and emergency
  • Automates FTE workflow with proprietary follow-up logic
  • Calculates and sends custom, periodic adherence reports on request
  • Uses proprietary logic to automate patient and provider communication

Early Detection Dramatically Improves Patient Survival:


5-year survival rate when findings are localized


Reduction in breast cancer mortality from screening

Dr. Erika Schneider, Ph.D.Vice President, Product and Chief Science Officer, Eon

“Breast screening has proven to be a huge life-saver and is the model for screening programs of other disease states. Our CL models identify women with breast abnormalities who may be outside traditional breast screening programs, as well as those rare male breast cancer patients—they need follow-up care and attention as well. EPM technology allows breast teams to focus on the follow-up care of critical, high-risk patients as we work together to fight breast cancer.”

Navigators & Coordinators

  • Automate longitudinal care coordination
  • Prioritize the higher-risk patient populations
  • Receive notifications for patients who need diagnostic workup or who missed their scheduled follow-ups
  • Automate and trigger follow-up communication

Providers & Clinicians

  • Capture breast incidental lesions
  • Screen eligible patients, track through to treatment
  • Integrate pathology information
  • Ensure adherence and follow-up
  • Improve patient outcomes


  • No disruption in workflow
  • No mandated structured report
  • Patient follow-up adherence

Hospital Executives

  • Capture more patients, reduce leakage
  • Drive downstream revenue
  • Optimize FTEs and focus on patient care
  • Compliance with MQSA and EQUIP guidelines


CL consists of industry-best data science models that understand text and the linguistic structure of medical English similar to the human brain. The Eon CL Breast model identifies incidental breast findings in radiology reports with over 95% accuracy. As a part of EPM Breast, CL can:

  • Identify a mass, nodule or other abnormality in non-breast imaging reports that have a measurement
  • Extract finding size, number of findings, laterality of findings, and location of largest abnormality
  • Identify enlarged axillary, interpectoral, supraclavicular, or mediastinal lymph nodes if no other measured breast abnormality is found

Longitudinal Tracking

EPM’s sophisticated business logic implements the evidence-based guidance needed to manage patient follow-up to increase adherence and maximize the value of your program:

  • Automate reminders for exams and procedures so your breast team instantly know who’s been scheduled and who missed their exams
  • Prioritize patients who are high-risk (BI-RADS 4A/B/C and 5) and need immediate care coordination, while automating follow-up for the low-risk (BI-RADS 1, 2 and 3) patients
  • Use Eon’s proprietary “Follow-Up Listener” to automatically track patients and identify those patients who have had their exams or procedures and who is at risk for no follow-up


Track trends and measure growth—with no setup required—to glean real-time insight into breast program analytics.

View key metrics including volumes and MQSA/EQUIP statistics

  • Exam distributions (screening, diagnostics, tissue sampling, etc), including productivity per radiologist and per technologist; breast lesion size distribution; BI-RADS classification by facility and by interpreting radiologist, including callback statistics; technologist case review statistics; equipment QA oversight.

Increase insight into patient follow-up rates and the impact of your breast screening program

Measure outcomes with pathology statistics

  • Tissue sampling broken down by modality and method (core, fna, surgical) by physician; Core Biopsy Accreditation audit per biopsying physician.
  • Biopsy proven accuracy statistics by interpreting radiologist: pathology distribution for all positive screening cases; TP, TN, FN, FP, PPV, and NPV both for screening and diagnostic exams; tumor staging (0 / I/ II / III / IV, node status).

Increase patient capture, drive downstream revenue, and prove program ROI/impact with real-time analytics


Automate, track, and archive communication from one convenient location. Get all documentation done from an easy-to-use dashboard.

  • Use proprietary logic to automate patient and provider communication
  • Create unlimited custom letters with drag and drop tools
  • Track who has been contacted, when they were contacted, and how they contacted
  • Consolidate all contact information and always know who and when to contact—with the right information at your fingertips

Best-In-Class Solution and Support

Eon is always on and ready to help

From security, to implementation, to client support—Eon’s got you covered with:

  • HIPAA, HITECH Act, and SOC 2 Type II compliance
  • A cloud-based, AWS-hosted solution that requires no new hardware or on-premise maintenance
  • No workstation software loads
  • VPN connectivity to a HL7 feed from the EHR to AWS, can also include bi-directional HL7 integration (EPM to EHR) for integration of patient and provider letters in the EHR
  • Software updates and upgrades seamlessly rolled out free of charge
  • Multi-site deployment for hospital systems and IDNs with multiple facilities
  • Unlimited user access to the application with no additional cost
  • Quick implementation with ongoing client support
  • Less than 1-minute customer support response time

Ready to identify, track, and improve outcomes for patients at risk for future disease? Get started with your demo and ensure no patient falls through the cracks.