Progressive Golf Open

$500 in Prizes / PGA2K Tournament Presented by GamerSaloon

Registration Window: Tuesday January 10th (3PM EST)- Thursday January 12th (6 PM EST)

Tournament Launch: Friday January 13th (12:01 am EST)

Format: 32-Player Match Play Event

Console: PS5

Entry Fee: $10

Prize Pool: $500 (Tournament canceled if not filled)

Prize Pool Breakdown: 1st - $200 | 2nd - $150 | 3rd - $100 | 4th - $50

Additional info needed on registration: Discord Username, Playstation Network ID, twitch/youtube/facebook gaming username

Enter The Tournament


Round 1 (32 players)
Matches begin Friday the 13th at 12:01 AM EST and the results deadline is Friday the 13th at 11:59 PM EST. (24 hour window)
[Course: Lupo Golf Resort [stadium] | Tees: Blue | Pin:3 | Wind Speed: Medium | Wind Direction: Default | Fairway: Very Firm | Green: Very Firm | Speed: Moderate | Time of Day: Morning | Weather: Clear | Crowds: On]
Round 2 (16 players)
Matches begin Saturday the 14th at 12:01 AM EST and the results deadline is Saturday the 14th at 11:59 PM EST (24 hour window)
[Course: Ironfall Golf Club, USA | Tees: gold | Pin:4 | Wind Speed: high | Wind Direction: Default | Fairway: Very Firm | Green: Very Firm | Speed: Moderate | Time of Day: Morning | Weather: Clear | Crowds: On]
Round 3 (8 players)
Matches begin Sunday the 15th at 12:01 AM EST and the results deadline is Sunday the 15th at 2:00 PM EST (14 hour window)
[Course:TPC Sawgrass | Tees: Black | Pin:4 | Wind Speed: high | Wind Direction: Default | Fairway: Very Firm | Green: Very Firm | Speed: Moderate | Time of Day: Afternoon | Weather: Clear | Crowds: On]
Round 4 (semifinals)
Matches will begin Sunday the 15th at 3:00 PM EST and the results deadline is Sunday the 15th at 11:59 PM EST. (9 hour window)
[Course: LaCava Bay Blue | Tees: Blue | Pin:1 | Wind Speed: high | Wind Direction: Default | Fairway: Very Firm | Green: Very Firm | Speed: Moderate | Time of Day: Morning | Weather: Clear | Crowds: On]
Round 5 (finals)
Final round will consist of two matches. The two finalists will be playing for 1st and 2nd place, and the other 2 semi-finalist will be playing for 3rd and 4th place. These matches must be arranged with the tournament organizers and be broadcast upon an agreeable time within reason in respect of the events timeline (Friday the 13th - Monday the 16th).
Course: Suzaku, Japan | Tees: White | Pin:4 | Wind Speed: high | Wind Direction: Default | Fairway: Very Firm | Green: Very Firm | Speed: Moderate | Time of Day: Dusk | Weather: Clear | Crowds: On

Tournament Rules:

1. Tournament will consist of 5 total rounds. It is up to the competitors to agree upon and arrange a time to compete within the round deadlines established in the tournament schedule. Both competitors will be expected to to reach out to their opponent via the approved methods of tournament communications. Approved methods being Playstation Network, or Discord.

2. All matches MUST be broadcast via Youtube, Twitch, or Facebook Gaming so cheating can be monitored and curbed, as well as to promote the event and its sponsors. All participants signing up acknowledge and understand there is a minimum requirement of internet upload speeds to achieve a feasible broadcast. In every instance, both players must be streaming the match, microphones and face cameras are not required. If a player is unable to achieve a feasible broadcast within 1 hour of the agreed upon time the match is scheduled for, the match will be reviewed by the organizers and likely result in a forfeit for the competitor that is unable to broadcast, but each situation will be handled individually and the result will be at the organizers discretion.

3. Cheating accusations are to be taken seriously and not made frivolously. Any accusations of cheating will be reviewed by the tournament organizers and the final decision will be at their discretion after reviewing both sides of the broadcast of the match. Those deemed to be cheating will forfeit their match and their entry fee will not be reimbursed. Additionally they will not be allowed to participate in future events associated with these event sponsors and or organizers.

4. Consumable golf balls are prohibited. Competitors are only allowed to use the default golf ball during matches. Any competitors using consumable golf balls will be deemed to be cheating and forfeit their match without entry fee reimbursement.

5. No chipping is allowed on the greens. Exceptions are made when the line to the hole is obstructed by bunkers or fringe. Chipping on the green is also allowed when the distance of the putt would reach or exceed a distance of 100ft (30.48m) or more.

6. If a match finishes the 18th hole All Square, the match is to be restarted and played as a sudden death playoff starting on hole 1. DO NOT use the games default playoff with ties broken by proximity.

7. If a player disconnects during a match, then the match should be restarted with the score then engineered to get back to the same standings. Play is to be resumed from the tee box of the hole the disconnect occurred.

8. A shot clock of 75 seconds will be implemented through the course of play. The shot clock begins when it is the player's turn to hit and the player resumes control of the character. Players can get up to 3 warnings that can only be issued by the match opponent or tournament organizers. Shot clock violations after the 3 warnings will result in the loss of the hole. Shot clock exceptions include disconnects, and agreed upon match intermissions for restrooms, water, ect.. Only competitors within a match and the tournament organizers can issue shot clock warnings and violations and it is with an agreed upon common competitive integrity shall they be enforced. (The implementation of a shot clock is to combat cheating and the potential use of outside devices, maintain a fair pace of play for all competitors, and provide a pleasurable viewing experience)

9. All matches are to be played using the match play format in game through private lobbies.

10. All matches are to be played on the designated courses, tees, pin positions, and course conditions assigned to the specific round the match occurs.

11. All match results are to be reported via the approved channels of tournament communication (Discord, PSN, GamerSaloon Messenger) and confirmed by both competitors

12. All matches are to be played using the detailed in game difficulty settings.

Swing Difficulty: Master

Swing Timing: On
Distance Control Meter: Off
Distance Control Assist: Off
Putt Preview: 0
Course Yardage: Book Only
Pro Vision: All off
Scout Camera: UI Off
Lie Grid: On
Green Grid: On
Pin Preference: Open
Aim Marker: Marker Only
Wind Display: Meter Only
Distance Display: Carry
Swing Input: Swing Stick

**IMPORTANT** Load up PGA 2K23: Profile Menu > Display & HUD > Distance Info Position > Set to "In HUD"

This will let you see elevation information from your current position to the pin. If you have this set to "Off" or "On Marker" you will not see elevation information at all.



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