Take a Walk in the Mall

A couple walking in the mall

Staying active in bad weather is a challenge for people who prefer being outdoors. If it’s too hot or too cold or too wet for you today, why not go to your nearest mall for a walk or wheelchair roll?

Mall features make walking, rolling, and pushing strollers appealing for many reasons. Malls are protected from the weather, are well-lit, and have flat, wide, and even walking surfaces. A bonus is that malls are accessible and often on public transportation routes. They have convenient restrooms plus seats and benches if you need to rest.

Learn more about Health Benefits of Physical Activity for <a href="/physicalactivity/basics/adults/health-benefits-of-physical-activity-for-adults.html">Adults</a> and <a href="/physicalactivity/basics/adults/health-benefits-of-physical-activity-for-children.html">Children</a>.

Learn more about Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Adults and Children.

Become a Mall Walking Champion!

Does mall walking sound like something you’d like to try? If so, you can do it by yourself, or you can call a few friends to meet you there. If you need a more formal, organized program to get you into your sneakers, see if your local mall has an official mall walking program. If not, you can become a mall-walking champion and work with mall leadership to help establish one! [PDF-5.20MB]

Benefits of Physical Activity

Immediate benefits of physical activity are improving sleep and reducing blood pressure. Regular physical activity, including walking, can help lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, and some cancers.  Regular physical activity can also help control weight, and for older adults, help maintain independence, reduce the risk of falling, and delay the start of mental decline, such as being forgetful.

You can move more and sit less throughout your day all year long!

Connect with Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity