Choose the Right Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for the Right Job

As the industry complexity increases, manufacturing organizations will be under tremendous pressure to ensure that they stay aligned with their business goals and achieve high levels of efficiency across the shop floor. 

According to its analysis and buyer perception, IDC Manufacturing Insights positioned iBASEt as a Major Player in this 2019 IDC MarketScape on MES.

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Review key insights to spark your thinking on:


  • Key Functionalities  MES Delivers
  • Guiding Points for Technology Buyers
  • Unique Value of the iBASEt MES

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Benefits of Implementing MES Software



Increase the efficiency of data capture and analysis, related to product manufacturing and predictive analytics.


Improve the velocity of new product introductions and rapidly communicate engineering changes.


Improve quality by limiting manual translations of engineering specs along the product value chain.

Avoid the Expense of Customization.